ClearNow only furnishes rent payment data to the Experian credit bureau. Once you are enrolled in ClearNow, you must take an additional step and opt in for credit reporting if you would like your payment data furnished. Once you have four months of complete data, those months will be furnished to Experian and each month thereafter, on a monthly basis. If you still do not see your rent payments, please make sure that you are checking your Experian credit report and not one with another credit bureau.
Category: Reporting Rent Payment Data to Credit Bureaus
Can I Have My Rent Payments Reported Through ClearNow Without Enrolling For The Autodebit?
No. ClearNow enables landlords and property managers to collect rent electronically and for tenants to pay rent electronically. As an added benefit, tenants can have us furnish their ClearNow rent payment data to Experian. We can only furnish data to the credit bureau while the tenant is enrolled in ClearNow.
My tenant has been with me for two years. Can you report the rent payments for my tenant?
ClearNow can furnish rent payment data that is made while a tenant is enrolled in our service but we cannot report rent payments your tenant made prior to enrolling in ClearNow. Once you and your tenant are enrolled in ClearNow and your tenant opts in for credit reporting, we will be able to furnish the data from that point forward.
When I Enroll, Are You Automatically Reporting My Payments to the Credit Bureau?
No, we cannot furnish your ClearNow rent payment data until you provide your consent. After you are enrolled in ClearNow, there is an additional step that you must take to sign up for credit reporting. Once you have four (4) payment periods of complete data, your ClearNow rent payment data will be reported to Experian. Thereafter, your data is submitted on a monthly basis.
How Much Does Credit Reporting Cost?
Tenants enrolled in ClearNow may report their rent payments made while they are enrolled in ClearNow. We do not charge an additional fee for furnishing data to Experian RentBureau.
What Are Some Advantages For A Tenant to Use ClearNow?
There are many advantages for a tenant to use ClearNow! For one, ClearNow is Free! Fees are paid by your landlord or property management company. You have the opportunity to pay your rent electronically without having to go out of your way to write and deliver a check or money order. Signing up with ClearNow enables an automatic debit from your bank account and does not require your initiation each month. One of the greatest benefits of using ClearNow is the ability to report the rent payments to Experian. This will allow you to build a credit history.
Can a tenant report rent payments to a credit bureau?
Yes. Tenants enrolled in ClearNow ( may report their rent payments made while they are enrolled in ClearNow. ClearNow is a data furnisher to Experian RentBureau (
Why Building Your Credit History Is Important
Credit plays an important role in your life — affecting the purchases you make and much more. A credit history is vital in today’s economy and enables you to obtain valuable credit services such as credit cards, mortgages, and auto loans. Lenders use credit reports and credit scores to gauge the likelihood that you will pay back a loan.
How Paying Rent On Time Helps Build Your Credit History
Experian incorporates on-time rental payment data reported to Experian RentBureau into Experian credit reports. Your rental payment information will be included as part of your standard credit report and may be incorporated into certain credit scores. The inclusion of positive rental payment history within Experian credit reports allows you to establish or build credit history through timely rental payments.