Making a large purchase can be a daunting experience. Naturally, you want to make sure the purchase is correct and legitimate. One of the largest expenses we face is for housing. So when it comes to renting a home, it is important to make sure you are renting to a legitimate landlord to avoid landlord frauds and scams.
With today’s technology, finding a place to rent is easy. For example, there are sites that can show you rentals available based on location and rent. You can peruse listings online at your leisure. In some cases with just a few clicks, you can schedule an appointment to view or even commit to a rental. While technology has made finding a rental easier, it has also, unfortunately, created opportunities for fraud. It is in these cases where spending the extra time and taking your time to research properties and landlords can be beneficial to you, especially in the long term.
Redfin asked ClearNow and other experts for tips on how to avoid landlord and rental fraud and has published them in their article: “Landlord Frauds and Scams: What to Watch Out For.”