
The Best Way To Pay Rent Online

Enroll Today!


Enter your landlord or property manager's email address:

BBB Rating

ClearNow, Inc., Property Management, Durham, NC
How does ClearNow work?

After you enroll, your rent will be debited from your bank account on your debit day and directly deposited to your landlord's bank account. You do not need to schedule payments as debits occur automatically on your debit day. If you have e-mail, you will receive a rent reminder before every debit and a payment receipt when your payment has been processed.

Is ClearNow safe?

Yes. ClearNow handles electronic funds transfers. All consumer electronic funds transfers are protected by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act of 1978. You are required to be notified of changes to your rent amount prior to your debits. You can block the upcoming debit or unenroll from ClearNow - You are in control.

What if I have insufficient funds?

If you know in advance you will not have sufficient funds, then log into your online account, contact your landlord, or contact ClearNow to see if the debit can be stopped.

How do I report rent payments to Experian RentBureau?

Once you are enrolled in ClearNow, you can opt in to have your ClearNow rent payment data furnished to Experian RentBureau. The first submission of data will occur after you have four payment periods of data. Thereafter, data will be furnished monthly.

Is there a fee for reporting rent payments to Experian RentBureau?


If I change my mind, can I unenroll?

Yes. To unenroll, contact your landlord or log into your online account. As a safeguard, you may always unenroll by contacting ClearNow at Support@ClearNow.com or (919) 680-4500.

Is there an easy way to buy renters insurance to protect me and my stuff?

Yes - Click here to buy renters insurance from SURE!